Friday, October 7, 2011

Children's Day Celebration

Hi people.. *HI*. Guess what? Today is children's day!!!! Since PSLE is over my class did a lot of fun stuff (This is what happens)
8 to 10 a.m is Guitar lesson
10 to10:30 a.m is recess
10:30 to 11:30 is giving out presents
11:30 to 1:30 p.m is performance.
That's what happened today

Sorry :(

Hi guys... how are all you doing? Sorry for not posting any blogs for quite a long time. It's because I am preparing for a MAJOR exam called PSLE. But now, it's all OVER!!!!! Yipee =) So I am able to blog more often now....
This is my Youtube channel--->
Pls subscribe to me =)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Didn't post anything yesterday...

Ok so, I didn't post anything yesterday. Well we went to Eunos( Ubi Avenue 1) to eat our dinner. We were suppose to eat at Sunny( Restaurant name), but when we reached, it was done :(. I especially like their stingray with fried rice, so nice. Instead, we ate at the restaurant nearby. Yeah, the food there is delicious(but Sunny better!!!!), we ate chili crab but I didn't eat much. So, I ate food yesterday hahaha ( It seems like I haven't been eating food).
Today is the NAPFA 5 stations and I didn't even KNOW!!!!! I think i will get gold again this year .
My results:
1 minute sit ups : 32 times
Standing board jump : 171 cm
Sit and reach : 42 cm
1 minute pull ups : 16 times
Shuttle run : 11.4 seconds
So that's my result... quite happy!!!! :D     Byes, Samantha

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Leg PAIN...

Guess what... my leg today is superb pain!!!! I can't stand or walk properly, that's the reason I cannot go out and enjoy my Saturdays like it used to. So I slept all day and play Scrabbles with my aunt(She's winning :p).Of course I did my homework. So, Bruno Mars is actually a Fil-Am, that means he is half Filipino:D:D:D:D Happy, I don't know why. My mom and aunt made homemade mango ice-cream, so NICE...hope you'll could taste it. I practically didn't do anything amusing today cause my leg pain and hardly can walk(lucky MTDC is over.... not that I hate it but I just can't walk). Thank you to Zara for me being your inspiration to create your new blog...Hahaha^_^.     Sayin' Cheers, Samantha
Playin' Scrabbles!!!! :P

Making funny faces during the game... my funky gramma is just an extra :P...^_^...-_-"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Napfa run TODAY.

As you all know today is napfa day run.... you either run 1.6 or 2.4. So I think I ran about 14 minutes or so.... I don't really know.  When I sat down panting, Miss Wong(English Teacher) , came to me and said," Do you owe me any homework????". WTH... napfa day and still thinking of homework???? Nevermind, I am not guilty or anything, I know I hand in my homework everyday...... maybe not!!!!So yeah I am so tired I need to rest. I will post again later( If I remember :P)                   Cheers, Samantha

Thursday, April 7, 2011

International Friendship Day in School

So today is International Friendship Day, yes, we did celebrate... but damn BORING. We just sat on the wooden floor for like one hour!!!! So there is this 'ang mor' woman who told stories to the whole school...a story from India and a story from China. It's quite boring but a little interesting. Hahaha...I fell half asleep. So I learned how to say hello in other languages. During science lesson, Mrs Phee( Form teacher) chose my answer to show my classmates, Mrs Phee said," What's wrong with this answer?". Everyone said that I wrote 'too' too much. Mrs Phee said there's nothing wrong, we are learning science, so grammar doesn't matter! But I felt the same way as the others, I really wrote 'too' too much.There's like 3 to 4 of them in 3 sentence.
Today I stayed back in school until 4, english supplementary. While waiting for the bus we talked about not trusting anyone in school... especially(....).Not gonna say. It's a little private :P.
              Cheers, Samantha v(^_^)