Saturday, April 9, 2011

Leg PAIN...

Guess what... my leg today is superb pain!!!! I can't stand or walk properly, that's the reason I cannot go out and enjoy my Saturdays like it used to. So I slept all day and play Scrabbles with my aunt(She's winning :p).Of course I did my homework. So, Bruno Mars is actually a Fil-Am, that means he is half Filipino:D:D:D:D Happy, I don't know why. My mom and aunt made homemade mango ice-cream, so NICE...hope you'll could taste it. I practically didn't do anything amusing today cause my leg pain and hardly can walk(lucky MTDC is over.... not that I hate it but I just can't walk). Thank you to Zara for me being your inspiration to create your new blog...Hahaha^_^.     Sayin' Cheers, Samantha
Playin' Scrabbles!!!! :P

Making funny faces during the game... my funky gramma is just an extra :P...^_^...-_-"

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