Thursday, April 7, 2011

International Friendship Day in School

So today is International Friendship Day, yes, we did celebrate... but damn BORING. We just sat on the wooden floor for like one hour!!!! So there is this 'ang mor' woman who told stories to the whole school...a story from India and a story from China. It's quite boring but a little interesting. Hahaha...I fell half asleep. So I learned how to say hello in other languages. During science lesson, Mrs Phee( Form teacher) chose my answer to show my classmates, Mrs Phee said," What's wrong with this answer?". Everyone said that I wrote 'too' too much. Mrs Phee said there's nothing wrong, we are learning science, so grammar doesn't matter! But I felt the same way as the others, I really wrote 'too' too much.There's like 3 to 4 of them in 3 sentence.
Today I stayed back in school until 4, english supplementary. While waiting for the bus we talked about not trusting anyone in school... especially(....).Not gonna say. It's a little private :P.
              Cheers, Samantha v(^_^)

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