Monday, April 4, 2011

What a nice day to go to school-_-"

Yay... It's Monday again. Time to start school... Yes, I did have a fun day, b-b-but imagine staying back until 4. We had PE today, we had to run 7 BIG rounds...(tiring) Mrs Chua( PE Teacher ) said that it is almost equivalent to running 1.6 km...  but I need to run 2.4..(don't ask why). We did sit ups too, i did 29 in 1 minute... not GOOD enough. Today I went around my school asking if they have blog...desperate much.
Yeah, they did give me...(Yay, going to have followers very soon). Well, those are the only things exciting that happened today, hope more will happen tomorrow ;D.

P.S I learned new so-call ' words ' today
      ROLF -> Rolling on the floor laughing
      LMAO -> Laugh my ass out (or is it off... I dunno :P)
P.S.S I am eating pizza while typing( 1 hand for typing, 1 hand for EATING..yum)
Byee, Samantha

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