Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nigahiga videos in school

We were talking about Nigahiga videos in school today. What an awesome videos they 'produce'!!! You SHOULD watch them! Christine and I were like always talking about his videos, like the latest one is called 'Fed Up'.One funny part in that video is when he said that he is fed up with something"I don't wanna point any fingers or name names...names, so let's just call this company.. FadEx." I absolutely find that part funny. There's this part too, at the end, that is really funny, he was having a conversation with his dog Shadow(dog) and Sassy(cat).So it goes like this.....
....Intro Music....
Ryan:" Shadow,what if he...what if he never comes?"
Shadow:" Oh (i dunno) be patient , he's coming."
Ryan:" Are you sure Shadow? Are you sure?"
Shadow:" I hope so...."
Sassy:"Are you guys like gay dogs?"
Ryan:" What!?"
Shadow:"Oh Sassy...your such a pussy, but yes!"
.....The End.....
I assure you that part is pretty hilarious if there is the music.
Ok well... I don't know what to say, I cannot say anything about my school, is a pretty boring day.Have fun this afternoon peeps!!!                                   Cheers, Samantha

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